Family League has relationships at all levels. From the Mayor’s office to on-the-ground community organizations, we continue to bring key players to the table to develop tools for change.

Connecting and convening private and public funders, local community leaders, educators, health professionals, and businesses to develop a shared agenda for action remains our priority.


Family League’s funded partners are our link to Baltimore. We connect a wide range of partners with funding opportunities to help them mutually reach our goal.


If you have a grant/funding opportunity that you would like to have featured on our website, contact [email protected].


FY25 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) – extended to February 7th, 4:00pm



CHNA RFP Pre-Proposal Conference Slides

CHNA RFP Pre-Proposal Conference Video

FY26 Summer Youth Devlopment Opportunities

This funding opportunity is for current Family League youth development partners only – extended to February 7th, 4:00pm

Summer Youth Development Opportunities RFP

Summer Youth Development Opportunities RFP Q&A

Summer Youth Development Opportunities RFP Pre-Proposal Conference Slides

Summer Youth Development Opportunities RFP Pre-Proposal Conference Video


The Weinberg Foundation and the Mayor’s Office have partnered to create a funding opportunity for small nonprofits (annual operating budget of $500,000 or less) that provide direct services to low-income individuals and families in Baltimore City. Grants, up to $10,000 per year and a maximum of one year, will be provided for general operating support, program support, equipment, and capacity building (e.g., evaluation and audit costs). The Foundation will make all grant payments directly to the nonprofits.




Group of people in front of awning

Baltimore Brothers’ focus is on providing activities for youth to increase male involvement in the community, decrease food insecurity for enrolled youth and their families, and break down historical barriers for African American boys and young men of color. They provide alternatives to engaging in delinquent felonious activities to ensure youth have resources and the support needed to avoid additional threats posed within the institution of the Justice Reform Bill.


people staying in store with large check

Family League staff supported authentic collaboration and resource sharing between partners. These two Funded Partners met during a Site Leadership Meeting and cultivated true partnership to assist with recruitment efforts of African American male youth looking to obtain academic gains. Scholarship awards ranged from $5,000 – $10,000 with a grand total of over $32,000 in awards being given to young men to be successful in their pursuit of higher education.


Woman cooking with pinapple

The Family Recovery Program has utilized their funding to host weekly healthy cooking classes for residents. All materials and ingredients are provided to the participants free of charge, and they are able to take the healthy meals they create home to their families. This program also includes grocery store “field trips” to teach participants how to plan and shop for healthy, affordable meals.


vegan food dishes on long table

KEYS Empowers, started programming this April and has already hosted one Culinary Therapy cohort with a second starting this June. Their intergenerational cooking classes seek to address food insecurity and nutrition insecurity while also working to close generational gaps. They are also supporting workforce development of youth aged 16 to 24 years who are responsible for grocery deliveries.


youth in front of civil rights sign

Y of Central Maryland, who supports four of the six Family League funded High School OST programs, hosted a week long Freedom Ride Tour for high school students enrolled in their out-of-school-time programs. The tour included visiting four states.


two kids in mask at computer

EYP Partner, Northbay, responded to the widening learning gap exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. NorthBay Education launched NorthBay Accelerated. This intensive tutoring program provides accelerated learning opportunities to 6th and 7th grade students, focused on intensive targeted tutoring in literacy development, social emotional learning (SEL), and hands-on residential learning extensions supporting school curricular learning outcomes.


10:12 Sports
Access Art, Inc.
Baltimore Brothers Inc
Baltimore City Health Department
Baltimore City Recreation and Parks
Baltimore Curriculum Project, Inc.
Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc.
Baltimore Medical System, Inc.
Be The Revolution LLC (aka B-360)
Black Yield Institute
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore, Inc.
BTST Cares, Inc.
Catherine’s Family and Youth Services, Inc.
CHARM: Voices of Baltimore Youth
Child First Authority, Inc.
Civic Works, Inc.
Code in the Schools
Digital Harbor Foundation
DRU Mondawmin Healthy Families Inc.
Elev8 Baltimore, Inc.
Excellence & Ambition Inc.
Harlem Lacrosse – Baltimore
Higher Achievement Program, Inc.
Imagine Me Ministries
Johns Hopkins University Center for Adolescent Health
JOY Baltimore Corp
KEYS Empowers, Inc.
Koinonia Baptist Church
Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center, Inc.
Learning How, Inc.
Let’s Thrive Baltimore
Magic Minds, Inc.
Mayor’s Office of African-American Male Engagement
Mentoring Mentors Inc
MTM Foundation, Inc.
Muse 360 Incorporated
New Vision Youth Services
Next One Up Foundation, Inc.
Park Heights Renaissance
Patterson Park Public Charter School, Inc.
R.I.S.E Arts Center of Baltimore Inc.
RICH – Restoring Inner City Hope, Inc.
Roberta’s House
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc.
Soccer Without Borders
Southeast Community Development Corporation
Strong City Baltimore Inc
The Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation DBA Bon Secours Community Works
The Family Recovery Program, Inc.
The Family Tree
The Movement Team Inc
The Y in Central Maryland, Inc.
U.S. Dream Academy
Umar Boxing Program, Inc.
United Way of Central Maryland
University of Maryland Baltimore County – HIPPY
University of Maryland Baltimore County – Thriving Youth
University of Maryland Extension – Baltimore City
University of Maryland, Baltimore SWCOS
Village Learning Place
We Will All Rise, Inc.